Start and Finish line



In life, we often begin many things with the expectation of finishing. Nobody begins trying to lose weight with the expectation they won’t reach their goals, nobody starts a business expecting to fail, nobody begins school with the expectation of dropping out, nobody begins a race with the expectation of not finishing…So what Happened?

So here is a real, look in the mirror type question, doesn’t life happen to everybody? For all the people out there who say this is the reason I couldn’t do something, you will inevitably find a person who who turned that reason into why the could. Yes, those numbers are smaller, but they do exist. So what is the difference between those who cross the finish line and those who get run off course.

This will probably sound like an over simplification but there are consistent factors you find with those who cross the finish line. These common factors are conviction, focus, and consistency.

We talk about conviction on The Jubilee Initiative website (link at the bottom) and convictions connection to faith. Somewhere along the way, people begin to lose faith they will ever cross the finish line, and once you start to lose faith, it becomes easier and easier to convince yourself that things are just the way they are.

Finish Strong

SNAP OUT OF IT!!! People who lose faith lose focus. They forget why they started the race, they forget why the began their journey in the first place. There are so many distractions out there that are meant to keep you comfortable. Those distractions are meant to keep you from truly living free!!!

People who cross the finish line remain consistent. They may not have started fast, but they refused to quit and they kept on moving. That means for every reason that popped up for why they couldn’t finish, they kept seeking for a solution to fix the problem!
Those who cross the finish line aren’t free from the fear, doubt, and disbelief that holds others back. Instead, they overcome! The refuse to quit and won’t waste time working on an exit strategy. Every move they make will be to get them closer to reaching that finish line!!!

Don’t give up!!! Don’t give in!!! Keep on pressing towards the finish line! If you fall, get back up…If you get set back back, remember it’s temporary…If you get stuck, ask for help…If you feel like you’re alone, remember there is always someone up above who is waiting to reach you in your distress.

“I have fought את eth-a good fight, I have finished my course, I have guarded את eth-the belief:” 2 TIMOTHY 4:7 את CEPHER





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