Accountability breeds responsibility

Ownership and Accountability

People have strong reactions to the word CHANGE. It invokes an un-comfortability within people at the very though of it. It is almost as if the word itself challenges them and everything they knew to their core. And in reality, it does! Their are two types of people, those who resist change and those who embrace change and a major factor that comes into play about how people react to change is their ability to accept ownership and accountability in their own lives.


When people take ownership and accountability of their lives, an inevitable cause and effect comes into play. The act of ownership and accountability causes them to become empowered. No longer do their circumstances control their lives, instead, they become proactive in taking control over their circumstances. When this happens in unlocks a whole shift in mindset and perspective! 


Unless you take ownership of your life, you will always be chasing happiness.


Change cannot occur unless someone is willing to accept ownership and accountability for their actions. The reason why their is so much resistance to personal change is people attach the change with their self worth. Instead of looking at a flaw and saying, “I need to work on that,” they look at the flaw as in, “I am flawed.” When people attach emotional responses to their imperfections it can be extremely hard for them to separate their identity from their personal characteristics. 


Here is some simple, gentle, truth in love, it is okay if you have areas in your life you need to work on. The question is whether or not you are willing to accept that you have areas in your life you need to work on. Here is a secret, WE ALL have flaws and areas we need to improve. That does not mean we are horrible, it means we acknowledge that we can be better!


Empowerment breeds solutions for change


It is incredibly liberating to acknowledge you aren’t perfect in an area and that YOU CAN get better in that area if you are willing to intentionally work on it! It is when we don’t accept that we can change that we live in a prison of our mind and our own emotions! 


Embrace change, embrace freedom, embrace growth, and embrace un-comfortability!!! You will be a better person for it!!! It’s okay if you stumble, it’s okay if you don’t change overnight, it’s okay to embrace the journey to freedom!!! Don’t remain captive to an old way of thinking and being, take ownership over your life and take comfort in that no matter what your situation is and what your circumstance is, you have the opportunity to take accountability and start making change today!!!

Jubilee Initiative

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